The Cosmetta Full Spectrum Tanning lamp has an exclusive phosphor blend unlike any other lamp.
4 specific wavelengths combined in one lamp to offer your clients more of what the natural sun provides.
Replacement for these & many others:
Bellarium Plus SA2-71-100W, Bellarium S SA1-71-100W, F71 Puretan S+, Instantan 5.0 F71 BP, Rave 5071 F71T12-HO, Meridian XL F71T12HO/65 6 Plus, Dominion DOM-71-100W, Cosmolux ESP 12600/100W, Goldarium S SA1-12-100W, Philips Advantage 100W, Voltarc 5.0B F71, Voltarc Classic 5.0B F71, Voltarc GTX 5.0B F71 Speed 175 SPD F71/100W Speed 205 SPD F71/100W, Sunburst S71, Goldarium S 100W F71, Velocity VEL71-T12-100W, VIP Gold HO-SE F71, Real Sun F71/XX, Goldarium S P SA1-12-100W, Crystal Sun S DAI-763-100W, Diamond Sun S DSS71-T12-100W, Euro Sun S3 ES3-71-100W, EverGlo 71 100W, Ultra F1X, Voltarc F71 HO 5.0 100W GTX, SunFusion F71/Bp Twist XSPT F71/BP, Heraeus New Colors OHN 100T F71, Eternal Sun F71, Sun Fusion F71/Dual/FT, Sun Fusion F71/BL/BP, LSI F71T12/BL/HO/5.0, Velocity Extreme F71 100W